‘Twas the Night Before Marathon Training
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Enjoy this running version of the popular Christmas carol, written by the talented Susan Barnhart, a member of our marathon training group in Timonium. Thanks for sharing with us and happy holidays to all!
‘Twas the night before marathon training
I ran around the house gathering a water bottle, a fuel belt, a hat & some gloves.
My tights & long sleeve shirts piled up on the floor.
My pair of Brooks & socks were placed by the door;
The coffee pot is all set and ready to go
Maybe the rooster will give one final crow
To tell me to move it & It’s time to go
There’s a time schedule so this time I can’t go with the flow;
We’re running 8-10 miles, it’ll be cold so dress warm
Some hills but, nothing to fear, be sure to watch your form
The sun will be shinning no threat of a storm
The air will be cold but the sun will feel warm;
It’s nothing you can’t handle, you’re ready to start
When you’re legs get tired, just run with your heart
The group will be spread out but, not far apart
Make sure you pace yourself & don’t go too fast, Barnhart;
Marathon training will be fun, so they say
It will help keep your holiday calories at bay
Don’t listen to the naysayers because
You’ll be glad you are training at the end of the day;
Something else to check off my long bucket list
Running 26.2 just could not be dismissed
Being able to run is such a blessing and a gift
When I’m sad, angry or irritated it gives me a lift;
The store is having bagels & coffee at the end
So you can mix and mingle with your new training friends
While you’re there look around to see all the new trends
If you don’t see what you need just ask the manager named Ben;
In the wee hours of the morning, I will spring out of bed
No time to sleep or rest my weary head
I’m training with Charm City Run and I won’t be misled
It was voted the #1 running store in the country, now that’s something to spread!
I’m training for a marathon, peace out, I’m going to bed!