Our Running and Racing Goals for 2017
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Happy 2017! We are excited for another year filled with walking, running, racing and reaching goals together. Our staff set a few running and racing goals of their own for the coming year. We hope these inspire you to set your own; we are excited to help you reach new finish lines, run more miles and enjoy walks with friends and family. So let us know what you what to achieve this year! Share your own running and racing goals for 2017 with us in the comments below!
“2017 will be the year of new adventure, new inspiration and races with those I love. Running the Hat run will bring the adventure of distance and terrain. Running Frederick with my CCR family will bring the love. Looking forward to coaching more new runners and running all the races with them. It will be a year to remember.” – Kathy Logsdon
“My goal is to set my longest running streak. Minimum running per day is 1.5 miles or 15 minutes (whichever happens first). Trying to break 32 days.” – Jon Karczmarek
“RACING! My goal for the 2017 year is to race and run fast. So far my running resume consists of 2 marathons, a boatload of 5Ks, and short track races. In 2017 my goal is to run as many different distance races as possible. I want to run a 10K, a half marathon, more 5Ks and take the year to build a faster base for my next marathon (hopefully in 2018). I want to race new distances so that I can have a training foundation for future events and then raise my standard for what I expect myself to be able to accomplish! Most importantly, I really want to run fast and wear pretty ribbons while I’m doing it!” – Casey Ryan
“My goal is to hopefully do one half marathon in 1:55 or better and the CS 12. And always to support our runners the best I can.” – Caroline Pinkin
“I am focusing on the Cherry Blossom 10 miler in DC on April 2. My goal is to finish at around 1:28:00. I would like to get faster this year, but my main objective is to keep on running and to stay healthy. And I want to be able to run on my 80th birthday!” – Brigitte Sutherlin
“My goal is to run the Fredrick half, and to get at least 20 miles in each week.” – Connor Clark
“My race goal for 2017 is to run a marathon. This will be my first marathon. I’m in the winter full marathon training group and my target race is D.C. Rock and Roll on March 11.” – Christin Moon
“I want to do something 6 days a week to include working out at the gym, riding my bike trainer in the basement while I catch up on my Netflix dramas and run. I want to run 3-4 times a week never less than 45 minutes and hopefully a few runs that are 60-70 minutes. This spring I am running the St. Michael’s Half with my son Ben and his friend. Since Ben is a high school runner ‘with’ is a manipulation of the truth. We will be at the starting line together. I would like to be in good enough shape to feel good in St. Michael’s.
Nutrition is another continual goal. I have good weeks and bad weeks but ultimately reduce the sugar, increase the lean proteins and reduce the carbs.” – Josh Levinson
“I am currently in training to run the HAT Run 50k in March. Very special group and such a great race day. Winter trail running has many challenges, mostly the unpredictable weather. But no matter what, as a group, we always manage to get our miles in, smiles on our faces and support for one another. I love my group!
I have my sights on a couple other races, The Dirty German 50k in May and possibly the Stone Mill 50 miler in November. But one that is a must this year is the Baltimore half, a good friend and neighbor a runner of many races herself) was dx’ed with ovarian cancer and is currently in treatment. A group of friends and neighbors are joining her running the half this October. So running this with a group of very strong powerful women will make my running even more meaningful than it already is to me.
I am the type of runner that time is not my main goal. Instead it is about starting and finishing, taking in all of the beauty, feeling free, being with my friends and being there for my friends and just having fun. When you stop enjoying it and areb’t having fun, something’s wrong. I thank God every day that I am able to run and for the people that cross my path along my adventures.” – Georgene Dvorak
What is your running, racing or walking goal for 2017?