Jaci Schoen
Timonium 5K Training Coach
I grew up in a family with a passion for sports. As a teen, I played numerous games of soccer in the front yard and became an archery champion. But as I aged, my activity levels decreased and my time being a coach potato began to take over my life. One day, when I climbed the stairs at school, I found myself huffing and puffing. That was foreshadowing of a greater threat and challenge: I was diagnosed with cancer. Running became part of my “I’ve got a lot more living to do” therapy. Cancer therapy is often exhausting but survivors are counseled to keep moving. For many reasons, a running lifestyle is life-affirming.
Initially, I signed up for the Kelly 5K. The vibe was exciting largely from an amazing community atmosphere that provides not only health and physical fitness benefits but amazing social benefits as well. Join a CCR training group and expect warm and rewarding new acquaintances with so many friendly and encouraging soon-to-be friends.
I was hooked. After surgery, I signed up for another group and had the fortune to meet one of several outstanding Charm City run coaches. It was through the encouragement of the first but not the last Charm City Run coach that I went from barely running a ¼ mile to breaking a PR goal that I had set for myself. Since then, I just keep going… more training and longer distances. Charm City coaches that I have had, have been exceptional. I have now run numerous 5Ks, 10Ks and even my first half.
Five years ago, I never would have said this: I love running. I enjoy the challenge of becoming a stronger, faster runner. Running is an outlet to let go of your worries and just be moving and improving. About the Charm City Run running community…I have never met such a caring group of people. Everyone in the CCR community seem passionate about giving to others as much or more than they receive…. this is a social and healthy-living community, fueled by passion, group support support and kindness.
Being in the CCR community can provide benefits that support each participant’s “day-job”. As a school librarian, I have had the chance to coach Girls on the Run and used many things I have learned from CCR to help my girls be successful in their first but not last 5K. I researched techniques and broke them down to share the basics. This was fascinating. It gave me a way of combining my love of teaching with my passion for running.
Running is not always easy. It is real work, but the benefits are amazing. As a 5K coach, I will always be there to support and encourage you to become the best you.
Follow your coach on Instagram! @ coach_jaci_ccr