Dawn Litrenta
Timonium Store Lead & Middle Distance Run Coach
Dawn Litrenta is a Retired Realtor with three daughters, and a lifelong passion for coaching, running & living a healthy lifestyle.
A former Division 1 Field Hockey Player at Loyola College she was always active but did not run her first Marathon until she was 40…and hasn’t stopped since! She has run two marathons per year since, interspersed with countless Half Marathons, 10 Ks & 5 Ks…proving that it’s never too late to start running or that you’re never too busy to make time for what matters to you!
She has coached for 30+ years and has experience with everyone from 5-year-olds to professional athletes. She has been a customer at Charm City Run since the beginning and was fortunate enough to join the Charm City Run team in 2014. She has helped many of our runners accomplish their individual goals while having fun, staying healthy & enjoying the Team atmosphere of her groups.
She feels blessed to have found a way to balance her family, career and passion! Her favorite quote is “The only run you will ever regret is the one you don’t do”…so just do it…come run with us!