Take Your Pandemic Miles to the Next Step with a CCR Training Group and Race
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
By: Kelly Maurer, Charm City Run Training Groups Director
During the pandemic most people found themselves not able to do many things that we took for granted, including our indoor physical fitness activities. With the gyms, yoga studios and pools closed many were forced to lace up their shoes and head out for a walk that eventually may have turned into a run.
At a gym maybe you were taking a class that was led by an instructor or you used a machine that provided you the workout for you to follow. But now it was just you and you had to do it on your own.
It sounds easy, just put on your shoes and go. But for many this was a new challenge, how do I just go out on my own and do it? How far can I run or walk? Maybe I can run for a few minutes?
We are seeing many new runners that had to do just that and they are now asking themselves, what is next? How can I run further? Can I do a 5K or maybe a 10K?
The answer is YES and we can help you cross the finish line of your first race! Taking the first step to doing a race is to make the commitment to train for it. Once you commit to the training and you put in the work, you will be at the starting line ready to race.
CCR training is for everyone at every level from beginner to advanced. Our expert coaches will provide you with a safe training environment, nutrition tips, injury prevention and strength training tips so you will be the strongest runner / walker you can be.
There is a power in a training group that will make you work harder, push yourself further and the accountability of the group will keep you coming back.
If you are ready to take those pandemic miles to the next step we are ready to have you join our groups or run one of our races.
Enjoy the miles!