Rolling with the Running Tide of 2019
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
It seems like December and the start of January couldn’t be more jam packed with LIFE. There’s a holiday party seemingly every other day. There’s work, and time off from work, and how are you going to get your work done when you’re not at work thoughts. Kids, shopping, some more shopping, a lot of brain power for gift thinking and buying, and planning. Don’t forget the food! A lot of delicious food! And the cookies, oh my! Oh and one more thing, it’s the end of the year and then the start of a new one, and what have you been doing with your life? Well, that’s a rabbit hole for sure, but you go down it. What have you been putting off? Why didn’t you train harder, run that race, or make it to the gym every day? 2019… that’s the year! The year of what exactly? How will you cram more in there… with the working and life and maybe kids or partners or pets, or all of the above? How does it all come together?
Phew…catch your breath, take a sip of your Zen tea. Pause. Breathe in for just a second.
Ok, now let’s continue… December had me at all that franticness too. But I’ve been thinking, more so meditating on a few things. I’ve determined that life has a current. The tide comes in and the tide goes out. Both are equally fulfilling but can feel and appear very different. Picture the tide at the beach. When the waves are out really far you feel like you can walk for miles and by the time you reach the water you must be out in the center of the ocean. When that tide comes in, it pushes you to back up. Move your stuff, it’s rolling in no matter what. I think sometimes we go chasing life and sometimes it comes and pushes us. Either way, you can jump in and enjoy where you are. And where you are is exactly where you are supposed to be.
A few years ago I found myself swallowed up by a running tide. I was running all the time. Every race. Every training group. I was exactly where I needed to be. Fit and fast (well my version of fast). This past year, there was no similar tide. No races, no running, no training. I wondered if I had let something go. Had I neglected a key element in life? There was guilt (mostly after eating a second piece of pie at 10pm at night) and sadness. Had I chosen to let something great go? Then it occurred to me, the tide had changed and I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I was in the ocean of family. Enjoying a life with two wonderful kids and a loving partner. Being full with love and work. I was in a sea of change but exactly in the right way.
See, the key is that we have to realize life isn’t always about being regimented to do one thing. It’s about being open and aware of the current. And more importantly, knowing that it will again change. Don’t beat yourself up if your tide changed or is changing. It’s bringing you to where you need to be. You can ride it, surf it or just let it wash over your feet.
So, with 2019 starting, my advice is this… roll with the tide, respect the current and give yourself some much needed praise for living life in a way full of love and joy. Share your experiences, get fit, love your family, love your neighbors, smile at a stranger, and go on a run. I just might join that running tide again.
Cheers to 2019!
About the Author: Kathy Logsdon
I first began running in the summer of 2010 and by the time summer of 2011 came around I was hooked! I helped coach for the BWC, ran two races a month and coerced my friends into running the Baltimore Half with me. Running made me happy and helped me feel whole. Then as life likes to do, changes and an array of life stresses popped up. Year by year time seemed to be sucked up by everyone and everything else. I didn’t see it at first, but I had lost my feeling of wholeness and running had faded into the backdrop. I didn’t know how to fully get it back. I kept telling myself “just start running again”. Easier said than done. This time around I couldn’t motivate myself. I couldn’t get past the feeling of defeat. It was starting over and I was hung up on the “starting” portion.
Lucky for me I worked at Charm City Run on the nights and mornings that the 2015 10k Across the Bay Training Group met. Challenged but happy faces would appear after running hill repeats. Witnessing that group was my inspiration.
After four years of not running or being able to finish two miles, I joined one of CCR’s training groups and was able to “start running”. I’ve been lucky to be surrounded by the best in coaching, running, and genuine all around good human beings. I’m taking what they’ve taught me and sharing it with others who may be stuck at the starting point, like I was. All things are possible. We just have to start together.
Kathy now manages Charm City Run Fells Point.